Last Friday, Lisa, Isaac and I went to Babies R Us to get glow in the dark binkies. Peter and I were tired of not being able to find them when Isaac lost them in the middle of the night. Lisa had the stroller near the Kiddie Kandids studio and the photographer came out and was talking to Isaac. He kept smiling at her so she asked if she could take his picture and she'd give me a free 5x7 portrait. I was skeptical because nothing is ever free but she told me that if it wasn't, she would pay for it. I thought, what the heck, it might be fun. So we put Isaac on the carpet on his tummy first and he smiled for the camera and it was really cute. Then we sat him up. I sat next to him so that he wouldn't fall over. He only fell over once though! I was so proud. Here he is sitting up all by himself! He sat like that for a long time--2 or 3 minutes! AND we got this really cute picture out of it! It really was free and the photographer emailed to pictures to me so I have them on my computer!