I have to say that right now, life is pretty good. We have had a couple of very busy days. Yesterday, we had a great time with Amber and Paul Grace and their kids. Isaac was happy to play with other kids. He likes to explore new places so he was very busy. Today, we went to JC Penny and got pictures of Isaac with the Easter Bunny. Isaac had a lot of fun. Peter took video of his first reaction to the bunny. He was a little tentative at first but warmed up pretty quickly. We got some really cute pictures and they had us sign another release form to use Isaac's pictures! Peter and I discussed that if we had more time, we would take him around to modeling auditions and build up a college fund for him while he's little. Probably won't happen but we can dream! The only negative to the whole experience was that I thought we were going to be able to get the pictures at $3.99 a sheet but apparently, you can't use the coupon when there is an "event". I got over it and we just ordered a few of the pictures and got 3.5x5s instead of 5x7s.
Then in the afternoon, I had my Scentsy party. It went really well and I think everyone had a pretty good time. We had some chocolate Fondue and veggies. The kids got to play with all the toys and the adults got to play with all the cool scents.
Isaac has been so much fun. I love having a child. I always knew that I really wanted kids and that I would enjoy them but I never realized how much I would enjoy it. Isaac just has such a great personality and it gets better every day. He is learning so quickly. I can't believe he already says 4 or 5 words. He says kitty(kee), uh-oh, Da, and hi! I think he's said ball but it is just "bah" but he says it when he has a ball in his hand! I'm not sure but I think it's pretty early for him to say all of these things. I think one word is relatively normal but not 4 or 5! I feel like I'm bragging about my kid but I guess that's my right as a parent.
Isaac is also really close to walking on his own. I know Peter has posted some things about this but today, he walked across the living room and down the hallway holding just one of my hands. It was like I was holding his hand to cross the street or something. He barely used it to steady himself!
My life is so blessed and even the hard parts aren't so bad. I just need to remember that and all will be great. One of my new favorite songs is Darius Rucker "It won't be like this for long". Listen to it and you'll know why!
7 years ago