Aside from a little frustration with my weightloss, I'm feeling pretty good these days. I have found that blogging really helps me. It doesn't even matter if no one reads it. It's really just for myself.
Last weekend, the girls got together and did some scrapping! It was so nice. PK watched IK and I was able to sit and scrapbook with few interruptions. Well, unless I had to keep running inside for more tools and such. That's okay though. I got a good start on the book of me for my mother. She recently gave me all the pictures of me growing up and ordered me to put them in a scrapbook. Well, ordered isn't really the right word. More like strongly encouraged! But really, why would I say no? I got to my first birthday. Seems like a lot but it isn't. I have millions more. She was happy with what I had done so far. She said just to get a couple of pictures of each thing and get rid of the rest. I think I will scan the remaining pictures and put them on a CD, make a pocket page and put the CD in the scrapbook. That way, even though I will be throwing away the old pictures, she will still have them if she wants them for anything.
There are lots of good things happening, so much that I don't even have time to write about them now but more will be coming later!
7 years ago