Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back to School Blues

It is the end of my weekend and my two days with Isaac. We were very busy the weekend and did all kinds of stuff. One of the best things was taking Isaac to get his picture taken. You can view a picture of Isaac having his picture taken on Peter's facebook under mobile uploads. He was hilarious. He loved the photographer! Every time she looked at him or touched him he would laugh out loud. It was so cute. The pictures won't be in until 2 weeks from now. It was very exciting though. We bought $45 worth of pictures to keep and to pass out to family and friends. CRAZY!! I can't wait to get the pictures from Olan Mills. We did our first family portrait as well!

This morning, Isaac was modeling for me. He was in his diaper. I have been watching How to Look Good Naked and Isaac had a towel over him as he was waiting to take a bath. It made me thing of the "tastefully nude" photo shoots that they do on the show. I mean, how cute is this kid!?

By the way: the mixed grain cereal did not agree with him. It made him VERY gassy so I stopped giving it to him and went back to the oatmeal. He still had a little reflux problem today but after he ate his dinner, he seemed to be doing a little better. I'm going to call the doctor and find out if that means that he has an intolerance to the grains or if it just means that we have to try that kind again in a couple of weeks. I just don't know if it means that I should hold off on veggies and fruits for a while. I hate to be one of those moms who calls the doctor about every little thing but Isaac is my first and I don't know the answers to my questions. If anyone out there has any idea please let me know. I will probably still call the doctor but I do like to get multiple opinions from people who have been there.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Cereal News

Tonight, I gave Isaac a bottle and then sat him down in his chair. I only made one tablespoon of cereal mixed with one and a half tablespoons of formula. He was happy when I sat him down and was talking and smiling at me. I put some cereal in his mouth and waited. He kept smiling, then he moved his tongue around and swallowed the cereal. When I put more on the spoon, he opened his mouth and let me put in more cereal. He ate the full amount of cereal and was happy the whole time! I know it may not seem like such a big deal but I'm telling you, I cried. I'm so proud of him and happy that he succeeded but also sad that he is growing so fast.

I'm going to get a little depressing now for a minute. I am not excited about going back to school on Monday. I love Ann and I'm so happy that she is able to care for Isaac when I can't be there but I am so sad that I won't get to be with Isaac all day, every day, anymore. I feel like I will be missing out on so much of his life. I guess this is just something that I have to accept. I have to work so that our little family can survive in this expensive world. One positive . . . I will cherish the times that I am with Isaac and never take a single moment for granted.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Another try

Well, we tried cereal again this morning. I put the cereal in his mouth, and he has no idea what to do with it. He'll figure it out eventually. I'm going to keep going for a few more days and see if it gets better. If he's still clueless and crying, I'm going to call the doctor and ask if giving him a break for a few weeks would help. We'll see.

He also had a fever this morning. I gave him some Tylenol and he was better after a little while. I really think that he'll have a more positive reaction to the food when he's not so tired and sore.

I gave Isaac more cereal this evening. He started out really well. He didn't cry and even closed his mouth and swallowed some of it. We went really slow. I just gave him a very little bit at a time and he didn't seem to mind. After a little while though, he started getting frustrated and cried. We took a break and I changed his diaper. Then we went back for some more cereal. He took a couple of bites very well and then cried again. It gives me hope that he did so well to start with. Maybe after a couple of days of doing this, he will get the hang of it and like eating solid foods.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Isaac's First Taste of Cereal

Isaac had his 4 month checkup today and the Dr. said that he was big enough to start eating solid foods. I went to Jewel and got a box of each kind of cereal since we have to use each kind for 3 days each before moving on to other foods. We started with the rice cereal and mixed it up with some formula.

As you can see, Isaac was not totally into the spoon thing. He didn't really "get" that it was food and that I wasn't really trying to torture the poor kid. He would fuss and cry and his eyes would get really wide when I put the cereal in his mouth. Most of what went in came out again, but I'm told that is pretty normal. He was also a little crabby from getting 4 shots earlier today as well. We get to try it all again tomorrow!

Monday, August 11, 2008

My first blog

All of you bloggers talking about posting on your blogs have finally convinced me to start my own blog. I don't know if I will post very often but maybe. I will try not to repeat the information that Peter puts on his blog. I will also try not to repeat the same pictures of Isaac. I'm sure that there will be a wealth of Isaac information on here. So, sorry in advance but that is my life!