Back to School Blues
It is the end of my weekend and my two days with Isaac. We were very busy the weekend and did all kinds of stuff. One of the best things was taking Isaac to get his picture taken. You can view a picture of Isaac having his picture taken on Peter's facebook under mobile uploads. He was hilarious. He loved the photographer! Every time she looked at him or touched him he would laugh out loud. It was so cute. The pictures won't be in until 2 weeks from now. It was very exciting though. We bought $45 worth of pictures to keep and to pass out to family and friends. CRAZY!! I can't wait to get the pictures from Olan Mills. We did our first family portrait as well!
This morning, Isaac was modeling for me. He was in his diaper. I have been watching How to Look Good Naked and Isaac had a towel over him as he was waiting to take a bath. It made me thing of the "tastefully nude" photo shoots that they do on the show. I mean, how cute is this kid!?
By the way: the mixed grain cereal did not agree with him. It made him VERY gassy so I stopped giving it to him and went back to the oatmeal. He still had a little reflux problem today but after he ate his dinner, he seemed to be doing a little better. I'm going to call the doctor and find out if that means that he has an intolerance to the grains or if it just means that we have to try that kind again in a couple of weeks. I just don't know if it means that I should hold off on veggies and fruits for a while. I hate to be one of those moms who calls the doctor about every little thing but Isaac is my first and I don't know the answers to my questions. If anyone out there has any idea please let me know. I will probably still call the doctor but I do like to get multiple opinions from people who have been there.
Super cute!! Did he have all the individual grains in that mixed grain cereal before he had the mixed version? I wonder if it's the wheat that doesn't agree with him.
It probably is the wheat. The Dr. said that it was not an allergy since he did not break out into hives. He said just to give it a couple weeks and then try it again. The only reason I want to try it again is so that later on, his system can handle wheat bread and all of that. Today he ate Oatmeal with bananas. He gagged a little but he didn't cry and he ate the whole bowl!
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