Yesterday, Peter and I decided that it would not be worth it to fix up my little Pontiac Grand Am (again) when we needed a bigger car anyway. We have been discussing a new car for awhile. We finally decided to take the leap. After a day of driving two different used Toyota Siennas, we decided on the "Desert Sand Mica" colored Sienna that you see in the picture on the right. We felt that we should commemorate the purchase by taking a picture of me by the car from my youth and then take a picture of me with my new Mom Car. We felt that it was fitting to have Isaac in the picture with the new Mom car.
I love my new mini van and it does not really bother me to be a grown up. Isaac seems much happier in the van as well. He sits in the same car seat but it is up high enough that he can see out the window. He can also reach his Baby Einstein Caterpillar with his feet. The smarty pants figured out how to turn it on and change the songs by pushing on the bottom with his feet. He amazes me every day. Yesterday, he was awesome. Peter and I are in trouble with our next child because Isaac is so laid back and easy going. Here are a couple of pictures of Isaac while we waited for the Finance guy to come out.

We had to keep him entertained but he hardly even fussed about being there. He played with a few of the toys that the dealership had out, knocked the magazines on the floor and watched while we picked them up, and of course, played with the blackberry. We are very lucky to have such a great kid.
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