Sunday, January 31, 2010

Having the time of my life . . .

I'm having one of those times in my life where it feels like everything is going exactly how I want it to. I had a rough week 2 weeks ago when my stress levels were so high that I felt like I was going to burn out and crash any day. I did some things to try and relax, including getting a blood test to make sure that my blood sugar, cholesterol, and all that good stuff was ok. I'm totally fine and finding that out made me focus on the mental part of my stress. I spent a little time each day trying to organize my life a bit more. Cleaned up my classroom, wrote my plans for the next week a little early and had some wonderful parent helpers make the copies that I would need through Valentine's Day and the 100th Day of School (February 8th). At home, Peter helped by doing a great job cleaning up the counters in the kitchen and straightening up in the living room. I scrubbed down the bathroom and we did some laundry. It's amazing how quickly you can get behind on things.

I'm feeling much better this week and have really enjoyed spending some time with my family and friends. I'm trying a little harder to let some things go if they really aren't that big of a deal. I am enjoying the time that I get to spend with Isaac and looking forward to Peter's schedule slowing down a little bit. This time of year is the best time for me. Spring is on the horizon, weddings are being planned, I get to start thinking about Isaac's 2nd (can you believe it?) Birthday in just 3 short months. I'm excited because I think we are going to take him to the Treehouse or Monkey Joe's on his actual birthday and then have a party that weekend for family and friends.

We are hoping to make the party a little smaller this year so that we can have it at our house. People will have to dress warm so that we can go out on the porch as much as possible. I know that it is still a bit chilly at the end of April but hopefully it won't be too bad. I also figure that since it is his second birthday, and not as big a deal as the first, we can just invite local family and friends without hurting anyone's feelings. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

We went to the Treehouse today and climbed around with Isaac. He has so much fun and it gives him some exercise after sitting at home and not being able to go outside much! He's starting to really try and jump up and down. I think we might take him to Monkey Joe's with a friend or two for his birthday. Not really for a party but just to go and jump around. It's a little cheaper to get in there as well. I am hoping to invite Amelia and maybe Anna and Will to come and just jump around and eat pizza and cake or something.

I can't wait until all my friends start having babies! Get movin' people, would ya?!



Anonymous said...

We're working on it... geez :)

Jen said...

Isaac's gf, Anna, would def. like to celebrate his birthday! :) My mom is always telling me how much she loves him.