Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Poor Baby

Poor Isaac has a cold. He is very stuffy and a little cranky. I feel so bad for him. He can't lie flat or he can't breath. Then he coughs. He doesn't want to eat, although, he did eat half a container of baby applesauce today. I figured he could use the Vitamin C.

Last night, he woke up at 1am and drank a bottle. He fell right back to sleep. Then he woke up again at 3am. I didn't think he really needed a bottle since he normally only gets up once so I rocked him back to sleep and tried to put him back in bed. He woke up and cried. I gave him some Tylenol and brought him into my bed. He slept in my arms until 5:40 when Peter fed him another bottle. Then he slept in his bed until about 6:30. I feel like I didn't really sleep at all.

Tonight, I set up his humidifier, rubbed on the Vick's Baby Rub under his nose and propped up the head of his mattress. Hopefully, he'll sleep better tonight.

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