Poor baby Isaac is teething. Every couple of nights, he wakes up and fusses. He can't sleep unless I'm holding him. He rolls to his stomach and then isn't comfortable so he wakes up and cries. Last night, at about midnight, Isaac woke up and fussed. He was on his stomach but still sort of asleep, so I rolled him to his back, gave him the binky and left his room. About 5-10 minutes later, he had rolled to his tummy again and was fussing. So I went in, held him for a couple minutes and tried again. It seemed like I had just fallen asleep when he woke up again. Poor guy just couldn't stay asleep. This went on until about 1:30 in the morning. I finally put some baby oragel on his gums and he slept for 4 hours. He got up at about 4:30 for a bottle and went right back to sleep. This morning, he looked like this:
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