Yes, yes, I know. I have a child. I still don't feel like I thought I would at this stage of my life. I feel young. Tired, but young. It is a little surreal that I have a child and that it feels totally natural to meet all of his needs before mine or anyone else's. I normally would have stayed after school until 5 or 6pm to finish my plans for the next week. I would never have left school on a Friday with absolutely nothing planned for the next week. I was technically supposed to turn in my plans today and didn't. I will turn them in on Monday and no one will really care, but it is just another indication of how much my life has changed.
I was talking to Jenny Glinka today. We were discussing how long it took for Peter and I to figure out how to tell when Isaac was tired. I am looking forward to the day when Isaac does not have a cold, because today when I picked him up, Ann told me that he was probably sleepy and would most likely sleep for me when I got home. So, seeing that he was rubbing his eyes, I was a little surprised that he didn't fall asleep in the car. Anyway, I put him in his bed as soon as we got home. He talked and fussed until I thought it was hopeless. So I went in and gave him his pacifier and then shook him gently to rock him to sleep. He went right to sleep. He stayed asleep for about 15 minutes when a coughing fit woke him up. But this does let me know that there is hope for him at nap times.
Well, I am feeling extremely tired and think that I should stop what I am doing, done or not, and pick up where I left off tomorrow. I'm going to leave my plans unfinished (even though I'm going in tomorrow to make copies and prepare my classroom for Monday) and go to bed.
Just to make sure that you all know that I'm not entering a depression or even feeling down, as sad as I am that I don't get to go to Sundance every Friday, I am extremely happy with where my life is right now and where it is headed for the future. I am so blessed with my little family, friends that are always around whether you need them or not, a wonderful support system with my parents and other extended families, and a really good team of teachers to work with. I am what I would call content. Sure, there are some things that could be better, but so much is just so good. Okay, now I'm getting all sentimental and making myself gag. I better get some sleep!
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